Author Guidelines

Abstract Submission

An abstract of between 500 to 700 words (excluding references) should be submitted. The abstract should include an indication of the purpose of the research, the research approach taken, the methods used and the key (expected) findings.

The abstract should be submitted via the online system of the conference. For submitting your abstract, you should visit our online platform (Easychair). The platform is expected to open during spring 2023.

An abstract submission implies that the work included:

  1. Has not been previously published elsewhere.
  2. Is not under consideration for presentation/publication elsewhere.
  3. Is approved by all authors for presentation and publication in the conference proceedings.

The first page of the abstract should include the title and the full details of the author(s). There should be a clear indication of the author(s) given name(s), family name(s), affiliation addresses (where the actual work was done) below the names, full postal address of each affiliation, including the name of the country, and e-mail address of each author.

Please begin writing your abstract on a different page. The abstract should be written (and submitted) in Times New Roman, Font 12, 1.5 Spacing.

Referencing Guidelines

Citations within Abstract:

Cole (2009) OR (Cole, 2009)

Browne and Cudeck (1993, p.139) OR (Browne & Cudeck, 1993, p.139)


Cole, S. (2009) A logistic tourism model: Resort cycles, globalization, and chaos. Annals of Tourism Research, 36(4), 689-714.


Hock, D. (1999) Birth of a chaordic age. San Francisco: Barret-Koehler Publishers Inc.

Chapter in Edited Book:

Browne M.W., & Cudeck, R. (1993) Alternative ways of assessing model fit. In: K.A. Bollen, & J.S. Long (Eds.) Testing Structural Equation Models (pp.136-162). Beverly Hills: Sage Publications.

Internet Source:

Levinson, A. (2005) Why countries continue to consider regularization. Migration Information Source, Published 1st September, Available at: [Accessed 24th November 2017].

Presentation Guidelines

Upon acceptance please prepare a presentation of no more than 15 minutes. After your presentation five minutes will be allocated for any potential questions and verbal feedback.

Please Note: At least one author should present the abstract during THE INC.